Garlic Mashed Sweet Potatoes

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Our mashed sweet potatoes are low-sugar but high in flavor with added garlic bulb! They’re an easy side dish—fluffy, moist, nutritious and delicious!

Take the extra step to turn these mashed sweet potatoes into sweet potato cakes if you’d like to change things up.

See more of our Best Sweet Potato Recipes.

2 large sweet potatoes
1 bulb garlic
1 tbsp olive oil
1/2 stick butter
salt and pepper to taste


Preheat oven to 350. Scrub sweet potatoes, prick and oil skins. Place on roasting pan sprayed with cooking spray. Cut off top of the pod of garlic. Place in garlic roaster or on foil. Pour olive oil over the garlic and cover roaster or wrap in foil. Place in oven with sweet potatoes. Cook for about 1 hour. Remove from oven. Skin sweet potatoes and push garlic cloves out of their skins. Cut up potatoes and place in bowl with garlic and butter. Mash with potato masher until fluffy. Add salt and pepper.

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