Darby Cream Pie

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An eggnog-flavored chiffon pie with chocolate-whipped-cream topping, this Darby Cream Pie is a perfect ending to your St. Patrick’s Day dinner.


1 cup milk
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
3 eggs, separated
1/3 cup sugar
1 tablespoon gelatin (1 package)
2 tablespoons water
3 tablespoons O’Darby’s Irish Cream liqueur
1/2 pint heavy cream
9-inch pie shell, baked


Scald milk and nutmeg together in double boiler. Blend egg yolks with sugar until creamy. Dissolve gelatin in the water and O’Darby’s. Remove hot milk from the double boiler and add slowly to the egg and sugar mixture, stirring constantly with wire whisk. Put back into double boiler and cook on low heat, stirring occasionally until thickened. Add the gelatin mixture and blend in thoroughly. Remove from heat and allow to cool (stir occasionally to keep mixture from hardening around the edges). When the filling has cooled, but not set (if filling sets, you’ll have to warm it up and cool it again to avoid lumps), whip the egg whites until stiff but not dry and fold into the filling. (If the filling appears lumpy don’t despair; use a wire whisk to blend until smooth.) Now whip the heavy cream, fold it into the filling, and put into the baked pie shell, Refrigerate and start work on the topping.


4 ounces milk chocolate
2 tablespoons water
1/2 teaspoon gelatin
2 tablespoons O’Darby’s Irish Cream liqueur
1/2 pint heavy cream

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