Pink Dandelion Wine

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Taste the “spirit” of spring using common dandelions. Dandelion Wine is known for its unique and tangy flavor. Combined with the tart sweetness of raspberries, it makes for a refreshing drink!

Keep in mind that the final concoction is bottled and aged for 6 months before drinking.  Perfect for a Christmas gift in December!

Pick dandelions on an early spring morning, when the flowers are in full blossom and the heads just starting to open; never harvest dandelions from a yard that’s been sprayed with chemicals/pesticides.

This Pink Dandelion Wine recipe makes about three 4/5-quart (“fifth”) wine bottles.

2 quarts of dandelion petals (stem and green collar of each flower removed)
2 quarts of boiling water
3 lemons
3 1/2 cups sugar
10 oz package of frozen sweetened red rasperries
1 yeast cake
1 one-gallon jar (stoneware jar works best)
3 one quart wine bottles with screw-on caps


Pick the dandelions, snip off the stem and green collar and rinse in cool water. Place petals in the clean one-gallon jar and pour the boiling water over them.

Let stand overnight.

In the morning, strain the liquid through cheesecloth (or tea towel), being sure to squeeze the flowers to remove all the juice. Combine dandelion juice with strained juice of lemons. Add juice to frozen raspberries and sugar. Bring mixture to a boil, then gentle simmer for 20 minutes.

In the meantime, clean the jar with soapy water and dry out. Pour mixture back into jar, cooling to lukewarm temperature.

Add yeast. Stir until yeast dissolves, cover the jar, and let mixture ferment for 10 days (with an airlock if possible) or until hissing subsides.

See also  East Indian Curry Dip

Using a double layer of cheesecloth, strain the liquid into a cider jug and let stand for 3 days.

Strain liquid again and place into quart wine bottles with screw-on caps (or swing-top bottles), but DO NOT tighten the caps. Let the wine stand for 24 hours to reduce the chance of a fizzy explosion.

Seal the bottles and leave for at least six months before drinking.


(The final concoction should be drunk ice cold.)


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