Honey Lemon Beef Jerky

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This beef jerky recipe will leave your taste buds wanting more. The combo of honey, lemon juice, soy sauce, black pepper, a pinch of garlic creates an amazing combination.

1 Beef Roast
1 Tablespoon of Minced Garlic (In a Jar)
1/3 Cup of Honey
1/3 Cup of Lemon Juice
1/2 Teaspoon of Black Pepper
1/2 Teaspoon of Salt
1/3 Cup of Soy Sauce


Put the beef roast in the freezer for about an hour after you purchased it.

Then after one hour, slice it in to 1/4” thick slices across the grain.

While the beef roast is in the freezer, combine the Garlic, Honey, Lemon, Black Pepper, Salt, and Soy Sauce in a Lock & Lock Bowl (plastic container that’s got a leak-proof lid).

Marinate the strips in this sauce for 12 hours (I do mine overnight).

Then, the next morning, place the strips on your Food Dehydrator Racks, place the Racks on the Food Dehydrator, and place the lid on top.

Every hour, jut make sure you rotate the racks, so that the Beef Jerky gets equal time during the process of dehydrating.

It takes about 12 Hours for the Beef Jerky to be ready to eat.

See also  Cream of Broccoli Soup

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